When Verizon acquired Terremark, the major cloud hosting company in 2012, the support staffs roles and responsibilities have been reassigned to avoid duplicate duites.
On each slide, you can simply click the 'forward' button to fast forward or skip to the next slide
[ Note: Due to strict confidentiality clause by Verizon, the contents have switched around or changed. The purpose of this showcase page is merely to demonstrate the key features implemented in Articulate Storyline .]
Articulate StoryLine Features:
While many companies tend to rely on pre-built game/exercise templates, which may not be directly relevant to the subject at hand, top organizations such as Verizon prefer " customed" animation that precisely expand on the topic.
Several org. flow charts had been developed to meet these specific needs which garnered very positive feedbacks from the users-they remember the ranking hierachy almost 20% better than the unattractive diagrams.
Note: Since this is the showcase for custom Flash animations, all other texts have been removed
Articulate StoryLine Features: :
Articulate StoryLine Featurs: :